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living with your own ideas


this week was quite interesting. After several weeks of a highly theoretical approach, it was refreshing to get hands-on with scrap materials and bring conceptual ideas to life.

make a companion_

the idea of a companion that you create for a certain job was a bit egotistical in my head. i do not like to think of myself as a creator for the sake of creating but rather for a purpose. does this make sense? it does in my head. we can discuss this further - privately.


yes, my “creation” - BOB.

bob was an artificial form of life - almost like a plant, but fake and made out of cardboard, aluminum foil, baking paper, and some zip ties. so yes, a plant, but fake. bob needs to be left in a place with light - like me. bob needed to get some fresh air every now and then - like me. also in a fake way bob needed to be watered - like me (not in a fake way though).

bob was a reflection of me in an inanimate form type of deal. I took a walk when i needed to. I went and sat in the sun when i needed to. i went and drank water when i needed to. bob acted as the best reminded to care for the simplest things in life. i find it quite hilarious that i “fake” cared for him, also. i opened up the window, placed him in the sun. quite silly but it was interesting.

first person perspective_

after initially struggling with a focus for the video, the essense of my fight came back to me. what was the thing i wanted to do the most? build - make - DO.

what do i want to build though? which skill do i wanna learn? who would even enjoy this activity? i asked myself a bunch of questions before i agreed with myself on what to do and how to execute it.

the challenge now was to design a certain article, whether it be a pair of pants or a tote bag (keep in mind that i have no prior experience in textiles) and invite a few people to join this small intervention to create a small intimate workshop (without assessing their skills prior). this idea of a small “production party” - prodparty for short (coined by our friend - korbi). also acted as a small networkijng event. we all talked, learned, understood and shared a decent amount of information, both related to the workshop and not.

we had a lot of fun building and designing the tote bag here - none of us really had any experience with textiles - eventhough Caglar was very profcient with using a needle and thread and he helped us a lot understand how to sew.

a successful intervention? i would say so :)


Last update: March 30, 2024